It finally stopped raining today.
It actually has not been raining continuously, I mean, I do live in
I have lunch with my sister every Wednesday - it is a standing date due to the fact that she has a sucky boyfriend and the only time we get to spend together is in the middle of the day on Wednesdays. A little over a week ago she broke her right hand and has not been able to drive. (The story of how she broke it is irrelevant, ridiculous and slightly embarrassing so I will not divulge.) In order for my sis and I to have our weekly lunches I have to go pick her up. Today I actually enjoyed the drive because I actually opened my sunroof. I cannot remember the last time I opened my sunroof. The sun on the right side of my head and face felt wonderful.
Side note - I only called 2 people F-ing Idiots on the 15 minute drive. I am not one of those people who thinks I am a good driver. I am an awful driver and I hate to drive. And for some unknown reason, every time I get in the car I find myself surrounded my idiots (f-ing idiot being my name of choice). I AM one of those people who yells at F.I.'s in my car. Yes, I enjoy hearing myself give verbal assault to others who have no idea that I am swearing in my car. This needs to stop soon. I can just see my future sweet little child repeating my bad road rage language to my husband! Hubby is already on my case about my driving habits!
It is only Wednesday and I am already looking forward to the weekend. I hope the weather sticks. My husband and I made plans this morning to go over to the beach for breakfast and kicking around on Saturday. I cannot wait. I also cannot wait for warm weather. I am ready to shed the sweaters, coats, jeans and boots. I am sure I won’t be feeling the same way come July when I am 8+ months pregnant and trying to sleep in a house without air-conditioning. But right now, right this second, all I can think about is sunshine.
Walking in the tall trees
Going where the wind goes
Blooming like a red rose
Breathing more freely
Ride out singing, I'll walk you in the morning sunshine
Sunshine daydream
Sunshine daydream
Walking in the sunshine
Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia
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