Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Caffeine Free Diet Coke

The hardest thing about being pregnant (this far) has been all of my favorite things that I have had to give up. When I first found out I struggled with not being able to have a drink. Not that I am an alcoholic or anything, but there are days when a glass of wine is exactly what you need to shake off the day.

I soon discovered that nothing exists that is a comparable substitute to the Friday nite party. (Friday night, Saturday night, Wednesday get the idea). And I don't care about what people say about the high or buzz of is not the same. And try going to a bar. I know some chicks will drink tonic, sparkling water or non-alcoholic beer. But I need to ask....why? It might look like you are drinking but it does not feel like you are. Why waste the calories on a fake drink? I would rather have water and chocolate cake later! Which leads me to how pregnant women gain so much weight. They are looking for that 'vice' substitute and there is nothing out there. Nothing but FOOD.

And trust me......that does not come anywhere close to that feeling you get from a glass of wine.

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