Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Countdown

Lying in bed this morning after our normal routine of eat & let Mommy get a little more sleep, I could not help staring at Mia and thinking that I only have a month left of this awesome early morning ritual.

Going back to work is totally going to suck!

I know all of my friends / co-workers are probably laughing at me with an 'I told you so' chuckle. You know, all the ones that I told "oh, I am not going to have any problem going back to work, I will be so ready and in need of some adult interaction". Ha ha ha. I am laughing at myself now.

I never realized the power of child.

The power that a 12 pound gurgling little girl would hold over me. That she would use smiles, laughs, drools, giggles, grabs, hugs and did I say smiles to constantly pull at my heart and remind me that I must be the luckiest person in the whole world.

Who needs adult interaction when you have all of this?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Life with Mia

My amazing new life as Mommy of a beautiful baby girl named Mia. She was born in August 2005.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Gene Pool

I spent my Saturday at a birthday party for a 1 year old. What happens at a 1 year old birthday party? Not much. At this age I think the party is really for the parents. A kind of celebration that they kept this little creature alive for one year and that they in turn survived.

I am not much into kiddie parties. We don’t have many friends who have kids and I have never been one of those oohhh-ing and awww-ing kinds of people. Actually, I normally run the other direction when I see babies/kids. I have been working on this and hope that I have much more maternal instinct when the baby/kid belongs to me. Anyway, what I noticed at this party, and not quiet sure why I had not noticed before, is how much little kids really look like their mom and dads. They are little morphs of both parents. Exactly like they do in Star magazine every week. You know, this is what
Demi and Ashton’s baby will look like. I guess I noticed this cause I am super curious about what our little alien is going to look like. Which parts of me and which parts of Rich are going to end up in her? And how was that all decided? Did my gene pool and Rich’s gene pool duke it out with Rich’s eyes beating mine in the final round? Let’s hope that his height gene kicked my height gene ass!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

26 weeks = No sleep and freaking out

I just watched Blue Crush again for probably my 10th time. I don’t know why I like this movie so much but every time I see it on the TV menu I can’t help but flip to it. And it is 9am on a Saturday morning.

First of all, what am I doing up this early? I am officially 26 weeks pregnant and can no longer sleep at night. I go about two nights of not sleeping and then am so tired on the third night that I finally get some rest. I think this was night number two so tonight should be my lucky night. Rich is in Cancun for a bachelor party so I have been sleeping in the middle of the bed surrounded by pillows. Even that is not helping. And, I have all of a sudden become a hot sleeper. I am normally a cold sleeper, someone who always uses blankets. Not any more. I actually sweat at night. How gross is that?

It has been forever since I wrote. A lot has happened in the last eight weeks. We found out that we are having a girl. Rich was totally shocked. He was so convinced that we were having a boy. After the tech left and the doctor came in I had to ask her to double check the sex because my husband needed more ‘proof’ that our baby was actually a girl. The doctor was really good and showed my husband the markers that they look for and let him take a good hard look at the missing scrotum and 2 markers that showed that we are having a girl. Our little alien was very cooperative for the camera and definitely showed her stuff. Guess she knew that Daddy needed as much time as possible to prepare for the fact that he is having a girl.

On the topic of Rich - he came home the other day totally freaked out. It had just finally hit him that we are having a kid. He told me that he just finally realized how permenant all this was. He said that it hit him that he could get rid of me (to which I said…you are getting rid of me?) but that this thing we were doing, this life we had created, would be ours forever. Definitely qualifies as a freak out moment.

Me, on the other hand, I don’t think I have stopped freaking out since we found out we were pregnant. Lately what has really been freaking out is how much our life is changing. I say IS because it already has. Rich and I have been together for 10 years. We got together in May of 1995 so we just hit our 10 year anniversary. By the time little alien comes we will have been married 4 years. That is a lot of time of just Kris and Rich. The last 10 years we have spoiled ourselves and our relationship. We have traveled a ton, partied even more and pretty much have done whatever we wanted to do. We tend to be irresponsible with our finances buying things on whims. I value my independence but gave that up in a heartbeat for Rich. I became a We. Our We is about to change and become a She. I am just worried about our We. I love our We and don’t want that to change. I know it will, but I am hoping that Rich and I are smart and are able to care for, love, raise our She, while at the same time nurturing our We.

Friday, March 18, 2005


It is raining here …. Again.

I am not going to let it get me down because I am just so happy that it is Friday.

My week went by fast. Except for my near breakdown over not fitting into any of my clothes on Monday, everything was great. I went through my closet again and was able to put together ok outfits for the rest of the week. I think I was so upset on Monday because everything I am wearing makes me feel ugly. I know a lot of pregnant women say the feel/look beautiful when they are pregnant. I am just not there. I still don’t look pregnant, not that I am complaining, but I wonder if people are whispering about how much weight I have gained. One day my tummy will pop out and there will be just no more hiding them. Then I will walk around going…see, I wasn’t just getting fat - followed by an evil internal laugh.

Not that I should care.
But I do.

I think I am just so freaked out that I will gain weight and that will be the end of the story. I will become one of those women who never lost her baby weight. I will become my Mom. My Mom has struggled with her weight most of her life. While I was growing up I think she gave into the struggle and succumbed to the fact that she will always be over weight. She has dieted on and off for years. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not. For my wedding she lost a lot of weight and looked great. Unfortunately she was not able to keep it off. Seeing her struggles frightens me. My sister is the same way. She is in a continuous battle with her waistline. So you see, it is in the genes.

I have been semi-lucky to take after my Dad while my sister is almost a mirror image of my Mom. I could eat anything I wanted until I was in my twenties. My metabolism slowed down then and I quickly found that I had to watch what I ate and if I exercise I can actually slim down my well endowed ass (have no idea were I got that, both my Mom, Dad and sister have no ass to speak of). For the past couple of years I have been an avid participant of the Zone and most recently South Beach. I think that helps to explain my early cravings of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pizza.

I think that helps better understand why sometimes I am so weight obsessed. I don’t mean to be….I am just scared.


I am wearing an old pair of jeans today. They fit fine…when I am standing up. When I am sitting down the waist of my old jeans, remember the days before low rise, hits me right below my belly button. This is wear my little alien has recently set up shop. Well, right below. But either way, as I sit here typing I have debated unbuttoning the top button. I would, but I am afraid that I will forget it is unbuttoned and then someone will come to talk to me and see that I have my pants unbuttoned. I think this is part of the reason maternity shirts are so long. It is so women can unbutton their pants. Regrettably, the sweater I am wearing today is not long to provide enough security that an unbuttoned button would go unnoticed. I think I will just have to spend more time standing today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I cannot believe it has been 10 days since I posted. I really need to be more dedicated to this. I bought one of those pregnancy journals. I spent way too long filling. I followedg the directions and filled in all the dates, starting in the back with my due date and working forward. I have not touched it since I did this. Some good that journal is doing me now. So, knowing I was not being a very good Mom to be, I figured if I at least wrote in this Blog I would have something to look back on.

What has happened in the past 10 days?

1. I have endured 7 monotonous, long days of work.
2. My husband has not been home before 8pm –I barely see him during the week except for sharing the bathroom in the morning.
3. According to my scale this morning I have gained 4 pounds for a total of 11.
4. Number 3 caused me to almost start crying last night while on the phone with my hubby. I need to figure out a way to deal with this better…I still have 5 months of weight gain ahead of me.
5. I played poker a couple of times but only won once.
6. I played golf – I never win and my husband always subtracts strokes while filling out the score card.
7. One day it was 87 degrees here. Unfortunately, it was a work day.
8. I was supposed to leave for Hawaii on Saturday with friends but bailed when I found out I was pregnant. The trip no longer had the same allure as before now that drinking Pina Coladas all day was no longer on my itinerary. Not to mention my pregnant ass in a bathing suit.
9. I think about my friends in Hawaii every day and wish I was there.
10. My hubby and I went to the local production of “A Chorus Line”.
11. We went to the beach and had brunch with friends.
12. My husband bought me perfume that he picked out. There is nothing better then wearing something that you know your significant other loves the smell of.
13. I went to a maternity shop.
14. I am still not wearing maternity clothes.
15. I no longer love all the catalogs that I receive in the mail. I now despise them and throw them directly into the recycle bin. There is nothing fun about looking through catalogs of cute spring clothes knowing that you cannot wear any of them.
16. My hubby has asked me almost every day if I have felt the baby yet.
17. I have not felt the baby yet.
18. I am super excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. (Hopefully we will find out in 2 weeks at our next ultrasound).
19. I have watched endless hours of reality TV – thank you Tivo!
20. I watched “Conception to Birth” on Discovery. I now understand better how I am going to get this baby through my pelvis – it is not going to be easy on either or us (me and alien…not me and hubby).
21. I thought about going to Yoga (maybe next week).
22. My hubby and I have agreed on a girl name. Still debating on a boy name.
23. I asked my husband not to tell everyone the name we have picked out. I am sure he will have a very hard time with this. I don’t want to know what other people think about the name we have picked out. And, what if we end up changing our minds at the last minute?
24. I have had no ‘feeling’ about whether my alien is a boy or a girl. I have not really thought about since I don’t care at all as long as he/she is healthy.
25. I found that I am addicted to Mexican food. Mostly burritos. Thinking about it, that sounds great for dinner tonight!
26. I also crave Coca-Cola (full strength, not Diet), Sour Patch Kids, Cold Stone Ice Cream, and Cheeseburgers. Notice that I am not craving anything healthy…hence the 11 pounds.
27. I packed up all of my size 6/small clothes. I bought big plastic bins at Wal-Mart so that once my clothes is in storage I will easily be able to see what is inside.
28. I am still feeling great.

Friday, March 04, 2005

How you doin'?

Every time I talk to my friends or family the first thing they ask is “how are you feeling?” I feel fine! I continue to sound redundant and tell them that I feel fine. It is nice to know that they keep asking because of concern on how I am doing.

In all honesty, I don’t feel that much different. I didn’t have any morning sickness, just slight nausea that only lasted for about a month. I was super tired in the beginning, but nothing that warranted any complaining, I just went to bed early and slept more then normal. My boobs have been sore from the beginning and this has not subsided at all. (I thought this was supposed to go away in the second trimester, but 2 weeks in and it is not letting up.) My boobs have not been unbound in 3 months. If they are not in a bra they are in a tank with a built in bra to sleep. The girls are only free in the shower and sometimes even that is too much! But when asked how I am feeling I don’t think it is appropriate to share this information. I know my friends are concerned for my well being but complaints about boob pain should probably be kept to myself!

So, after the initial shock that I was pregnant and that rough month (ok, maybe 2 months) of adjusting to not partying…not that much is different.

Physically I have been changing. My bra has gone up by one size. My pants by one size, two if I want to be comfortable. My shirt size hasn’t really changed except that I have started to wear looser tops as to hide my growing belly – lots of button downs at work; less cashmere sweaters (though I am sporting one today that my husband said looked good this morning). The bra and pant up a size combo is making me look much more filled out then before – hopefully in a sexy, curvy way!

Mentally I think I am doing ok. I still have 6 months to fully prepare for the impending changes that will come with parenthood, but on most days, this is not freaking me out. Since watching Birth Day Live I have completely avoided thinking about giving birth. I have pushed this fear way back into mental storage and have made a note not to review again until August. It is not going to do any good to obsess on this until then!

I had been warned to be prepared for hormonal out breaks. I am happy to say that I have not really experienced this – no more then usual PMS - except on those occasions that I am hungry. If I am hungry, I need to be fed ASAP. It is like I become a ravenous wild animal that has not eaten for days. I need food right away! So, if my husband says he is going to leave work in 10 minutes and he will pick me up the Boston Market that I am craving, but doesn’t leave in 10 minutes, but rather 45 minutes…not a good thing. This is the one time that I almost lost it. I was so hungry and really wanted chicken with creamed spinach on the side. Once I decided that this was what I wanted to/had to have, there was no substitute. I ended up throwing a little tantrum about how hungry I was and that it was not just me, but the fetus was hungry too. After knowing there was nothing that would make Boston Market appear before me except to wait, I calmed down. I also had sliced bananas in milk with splenda on top to help ease the monster that had temporarily taken over my body.

But, thinking about it now, I was like this before I got pregnant. My hubby knows that if I say I am hungry, food is needed before anything else.

I have a friend who reacts the same way when hungry. He went to his doctor who told him that this condition was caused by an increase in bilirubin levels. After hearing this, I looked it up to see if maybe I had the same problem and should go see my doctor. Maybe I could be treated for this. Or maybe I could get some nice medical documentation that I could show my husband that would explain my irrational behavior. All the while hoping that having some doctor jargon behind my hunger would help me get food faster in the future. Unfortunately I didn’t see “highly irritable when not fed” as one of the symptoms of increased bilirubin levels. I think I will tell my friend he needs a second opinion! But in the meantime, he takes comfort in blaming his mood swings on bilirubin.

I too, shall take comfort in the fact that I am eating for two to explain these unexplainable swings. I should be able to use this excuse for at least a year before my husband remembers that these outbreaks have nothing to do with me being pregnant!

Why I love DMB…..

In this weeks Rolling Stone the Dave Matthews Band talked to RS about their new album due out in May. This article just reiterated why I love this band so much.

Here are my favorite parts of the article:

The new studio, which sits high above a small lake, boasts a personal chef, a bar and, on this Saturday night in January, a pitcher of magic-mushroom tea in the fridge.

"This album," says Matthews, "is about love, life, God, death and sex."

"Hunger for the Great Light," with lyrics about oral sex added by Matthews, who says, "That is our most overt 'fucking' song ever." "American Baby" opens with sounds of bombs dropping, but Matthews says it is meant to be optimistic: "There is a divide in this country. That song is hoping that apple pie and lemonade, baseball and sunny-day barbecues are not going to be replaced by a 'fuck 'em all and let God sort it out' vibe."

At around 11 p.m., twenty DMB employees gather to listen to the tracks. Matthews sips red wine, Batson rolls fat joints and everyone cheers after their favorite songs. Cocktail hour stretches into Sunday morning, and Matthews joins a poker game in the garage. The album is pretty much done.

Excerpted from RS 969, March 10, 2005
“Dave Matthews Mixes It Up”

When I listen to DMB I can hear the red wine, the fat joints and the magic mushrooms. It is wonderful!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sunshine Daydreams

It finally stopped raining today.

It actually has not been raining continuously, I mean, I do live in California. I think that is what makes the bad weather so much more intolerable to me. It isn’t supposed to rain that much here…isn’t that why we all stick around even though the cost of living is outrageous and the roads are always crowded? Anyways, it feels like it has been raining non-stop since November. But today, I don’t know if it was because I am still so happy about our positive doctor’s appointment, or what. But today was beautiful. It poured last night and today I woke up to clear skies with just a few white clouds.

I have lunch with my sister every Wednesday - it is a standing date due to the fact that she has a sucky boyfriend and the only time we get to spend together is in the middle of the day on Wednesdays. A little over a week ago she broke her right hand and has not been able to drive. (The story of how she broke it is irrelevant, ridiculous and slightly embarrassing so I will not divulge.) In order for my sis and I to have our weekly lunches I have to go pick her up. Today I actually enjoyed the drive because I actually opened my sunroof. I cannot remember the last time I opened my sunroof. The sun on the right side of my head and face felt wonderful.

Side note - I only called 2 people F-ing Idiots on the 15 minute drive. I am not one of those people who thinks I am a good driver. I am an awful driver and I hate to drive. And for some unknown reason, every time I get in the car I find myself surrounded my idiots (f-ing idiot being my name of choice). I AM one of those people who yells at F.I.'s in my car. Yes, I enjoy hearing myself give verbal assault to others who have no idea that I am swearing in my car. This needs to stop soon. I can just see my future sweet little child repeating my bad road rage language to my husband! Hubby is already on my case about my driving habits!

It is only Wednesday and I am already looking forward to the weekend. I hope the weather sticks. My husband and I made plans this morning to go over to the beach for breakfast and kicking around on Saturday. I cannot wait. I also cannot wait for warm weather. I am ready to shed the sweaters, coats, jeans and boots. I am sure I won’t be feeling the same way come July when I am 8+ months pregnant and trying to sleep in a house without air-conditioning. But right now, right this second, all I can think about is sunshine.

Sunshine daydream
Walking in the tall trees
Going where the wind goes
Blooming like a red rose
Breathing more freely
Ride out singing, I'll walk you in the morning sunshine
Sunshine daydream
Sunshine daydream
Walking in the sunshine
Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Suburbia At Large

I was just catching up on Suburbia At Large's blog when this entry had me laughing out loud.
Even if you are not pregnant, this is pretty funny stuff!

Okay, now back to work!

Heartbeat Reassurance

We (me, hubby and baby alien) had a Doctor’s appointment yesterday and got to hear the little alien’s heartbeat. It was pretty exciting and reassuring. Besides that, the appointment was pretty normal. I pee’d in a cup and then had to get on the scale. I was dreading the scale as I kept waking myself up the night before with thoughts of being fat and having gained 10 pounds in 15 weeks. Not that reality is much better, I have gained 7. The doc says that 8 pounds is normal for where I am. I think it is just bugging me so much since I worked so hard to lose 20 pounds last year. I just have to let it go and know that I am gaining for a good reason. I was very excited that I didn’t have to give any blood. There is this girl at the lab that I am deathly afraid of. We had a few run-ins that consisted of her poking me with a needle then twisting and turning it around while in my arm, trying to find a vein.

I feel like my appointment was a success and just a day later it helped me feel like a confident pregnant women, rather then the scared and insecure one that I started out as. I spent the first 3 months totally freaked out. I guess since I didn’t expect to get pregnant so fast I hadn’t really prepared myself to what it was going to be like. I also hadn’t realized how freaked out I would be that my chances of losing this baby or something going wrong were high. I had never really considered that being 35 would make me so at-risk. I just figured that when I was ready to have a baby, hopefully everything would still work, and we would have a baby. But instead I have been bombarded with tests that I could take, the risk of Downs Syndrome and Trimsomy 18, and total fear over the mojito’s I drank in NY before I knew I was knocked up. Like I mentioned before, I really didn’t think I would get pregnant so fast and especially not on the first time out! I really thought my boobs were sore that weekend because I was getting my period. I even packed tampons! Fortunately, with every good appointment we have and every good test result that we get back, it helps me breathe a little easier and relax a little bit more.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Lunch babble

This afternoon I had lunch with one of my girlfriends.
She asked me how I was feeling and I said fine. Cause I am feeling fine. Just super tired today. Why am I so tired on a Friday? I don’t care about being tired on a Monday, but a Friday? Not a good way to start the weekend.

We chatted about our plans for the weekend and I told her about my quest to find pants that fit. Pants that reduce the amount of time it takes me to get dressed in the morning. I told her I was dreading going to a maternity shop. To which she replied, “oh no, you don’t need to wear maternity clothes yet, you are not even showing”.

For some reason this made me a little mad.
Not because she said I wasn’t showing because with the nice big sweater I am wearing today, even if I was, you could not tell. But because I felt like she was just not understanding my pain. She did not understand just how uncomfortable the one pair of jeans that actually fit me are. How by the end of the day I drive home with one or more button undone. How as soon as I get home I take them off and put on my comfy fleece pants. And how, pulling my freshly dried jeans out of the dryer this morning, I had to cross my fingers that I could get the top button fastened.

Are maternity pants going to be the answer to my agony?
I don’t know but like they say, don’t knock it til you try it.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Bodily functions

My boobs itch.
My boobs itch and my eye is twitching.

Yesterday I caught myself grabbing my boob at work trying to get it to stop itching.
Not the kind of thing you want to do at work.

My left eye has been twitching since Friday. On and off. I have tried to catch it in the mirror to see if I can tell it is twitching but have not been successful. It knows I am trying to catch it and all of a sudden stops twitching.
I hope it stops. It is starting to freak me out.

I am going through enough changes and can deal with (explain to myself) why my boobs are itching. But a twitching eye??? There is nothing I can tell myself that makes it ok that this is happening.


It took me forever to get dressed for work today.
And like Tuesday and Wednesday (Monday was a holiday), the minute I got to work, I hated my outfit.
I spent a ½ hour this morning trying (trying is the key word) on pants. After going through my closet I found that I have only 3 pairs of pants that fit. Of the 3 pairs that fit, I only like one of them. And just so you know, I am an obsessive jean purchaser. I am not one of those girls who has only 1-2 pairs of jeans. No way Jose, I have at least 12 in rotation at all times. I have my going out jeans, going to work jeans (not too low), feeling fat jeans, hanging out jeans, dark jeans, light jeans, fashionably tattered jeans. The list goes on and on.

Of all of these jeans I now have one pair that fits. I also have one pair of black pants and a pair of khaki’s (I am not really a khaki person but think these will be good for weekend wear).

I am sad and will soon be wearing sweats to work. These continue to fit!

So, on my to-do list for this weekend:
1. Find pants that fit. Yes, that means I have to go to a Maternity store. I am dreading it. I don’t look pregnant. I look like I have gained weight it my stomach, ass (for some reason this has been affected) and tits. All of which makes me feel fat. This also makes me sad because it means I have to say goodbye to all of my ‘normal’ clothes. My favorite Diesel jeans – I will miss you.
2. Buy a bra that fits – and hopefully cuts down on the boob itch.
3. Stop eye from twitching.

That should keep me very busy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

How come no one tells you any of the gross stuff?

I spent my President’s Day Holiday being lazy and watching TV.
So much for getting started on that baby room. Good think I still have 6 months! Hopefully I do not continue to procrastinate since the future baby room is the current Ebay, garage sale, get rid of room. There is absolutely no room for a baby. And the way the Grandma’s are shopping, hubby and I need to get on it!

I got caught up in watching Discovery Health Channels Birth Day Live. Someone should have warned me not to. Someone should have told me before I got knocked up to watch video on how that baby is going to get out of you once it has grown a nice big head! I was thoroughly grossed out. They showed what seemed like a million C-sections. Uggghhhh! Gross Gross Gross! Not that the vaginal births were any better but Discovery didn’t show anything gory on those. Only a couple of pushes and then a very messy baby. My husband changed the channel after he could see my totally freaking out.

How come no one tells you any of the gross stuff?
In the short time I watched I saw a baby delivered by c-section come out peeing on the Doctor. I am sure that is a video she is going to want to show all her friends when she is older! I saw 2 babies come out pooping. I saw doctors yank many babies by their heads (look like it hurts). I saw babies covered in white, green, yellow, brown and red slim. Not a pretty first picture.
And, the one that disturbed me the most….seeing all these women, feet up - in stir-ups, uncovered from the bottom down, and a ton of people (nurses, doctors, videographers, etc.) standing around looking at her cooch. Now this one totally freaked me out. I am not a very modest person….around my husband, girlfriends, sister or Mom. But those were not the people in the room. And even if they were, I really don’t think I am going to be looking my best with an alien head coming out of MY cooch! And another thing, what is up is the noise that some women make. Where does that come from and how embarrassing is that? Sex noise is one thing, but this baby delivering noise…..I have never heard anything like it. Some women sound like a jungle animal in heat. Just what I want my husband to remember (and then make fun of me later with) is the jungle growl I made while delivering our little alien. I read Jenny McCarthy’s Belly Laughs. I tried to prepare myself, but she left all of this out! But thank you girl for speaking the truth about the possibility of ME poo-ing on the delivery table. It just keeps getting better!

So, in order to get this baby out of me in 6 months, my husband and I have set some ground rules.
1. He is not allowed to hide under the bed in fetal position.
2. He is to make sure I am as covered as I can be. That means keeping a close eye on all blankets, gowns and robes to make sure the only part of my privates that are showing is what has to and only when it has to. Complete cover in between!
3. If duct tape is needed to muffle any strange sounds, then duct tape will be used!

Items for future discussion:
1. Video Camera – allowed or not allowed?
2. Digital Camera – this one is allowed but we need to talk about what pictures it is ok to take. Do we really want our first picture of our little loved one to be he/she covered in goo……or, someone forbid…..poo!!!
3. Guest List – who will be in the room with us. I will think long and hard on this one!

Thank goodness I still have 6 more months to prepare to hopefully hold it together (clothes and moans in tack) when the time finally comes!

Friday, February 18, 2005

I am not fat....just pregnant

I finally told my boss today that I am pregnant.

It was much easier and less uncomfortable then I thought it would be.
It was made so much easier by the fact that when I sat down for my 1-1 she opened with:

"Have you gained weight?"

I was able to reply with out blinking an eye...."Yes, I have gained some weight, I am pregnant."

That quieted her for a second.

Some background history, this is not the first time my boss has said this to me. For some reason she thinks it is ok to ask inappropriate questions, or make what I feel are inappropriate comments, that I would only allow my closest girlfriends to say and would get mad at my Mom if she said them.

For example:
I see you are having a bad hair day.
How old are you?
What size do you wear?
Have you gained weight?
You look like you have gained weight.

I could go on and on but for some reason I cannot remember more right now. I think I have blocked them from my memory especially since her bad hair comment was said to me when I was feeling overly emotional, full of ragging hormones, and almost sent me crying home. It didn't, but I did rant for a while with my girlfriends on IM and received all the appropriate..."I cannot believe she said that", and "bitch" comments. Made me feel much better.

Back to my original thought…
My boss was actually very cool with the news. Said that this is part of having women work for you and then went on and on about if I knew what sex I was having and that she hopes I have a girl, etc, etc. She was actually kinda excited. I was a little surprised. And, in conversation, she let me know that 2 other girls that had worked for her had taken 6 months maternity leave. This made me feel much better since that was the amount of time I was targeting but didn’t want to seem too aggressive in asking for it. Now, you know I will! I was talking with my husband this morning and decided that it is probably easier to come back early rather then to ask for more leave once out.

So, the cat’s outta the bag. Since my stomach is poking its way out too I guess my timing was right on. According to my boss, I am getting huger by the minute (ok day…ok, still over exaggerating…..week).

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Caffeine Free Diet Coke

The hardest thing about being pregnant (this far) has been all of my favorite things that I have had to give up. When I first found out I struggled with not being able to have a drink. Not that I am an alcoholic or anything, but there are days when a glass of wine is exactly what you need to shake off the day.

I soon discovered that nothing exists that is a comparable substitute to the Friday nite party. (Friday night, Saturday night, Wednesday night....you get the idea). And I don't care about what people say about the high or buzz of pregnancy....it is not the same. And try going to a bar. I know some chicks will drink tonic, sparkling water or non-alcoholic beer. But I need to ask....why? It might look like you are drinking but it does not feel like you are. Why waste the calories on a fake drink? I would rather have water and chocolate cake later! Which leads me to how pregnant women gain so much weight. They are looking for that 'vice' substitute and there is nothing out there. Nothing but FOOD.

And trust me......that does not come anywhere close to that feeling you get from a glass of wine.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

our little alien at 10 weeks Posted by Hello

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

I feel fat today.

Fat. Fat! Fat!!!

I guess I had better get use to this...I am sure this is nothing compared to what's to come.

I woke up this morning tired. I thought I had slept ok but I was still tired. It was pouring rain which made it very hard to motivate to get to work in time to attend my 9am meeting. Also knowing how lame everyone drives when it is raining made it even more difficult. I finally motivated to the bathroom and onto the scale. I wonder how much longer I can / will continue to do this?!?

The scale read 120.5. 120.5! 120.5!!!

I hope a pound or two of that is the 2 cheeseburger meal deal I had as my Valentine's Day dinner. Very romantic - I know! I am not complaining. It is not like I wanted to go out or eat anything else. It was perfect!
But, 120.5 is not.

After I showered I searched for my fat Lucky jeans. I ended up not wearing them because I figured I should hold out on these a little longer. (I will probably be wearing them next week.) My bra was an entirely different story. I moved up to the big girl one in the back on my drawer. At least my boobs are comfortable. Can't say the same for any other part of my body.

This is my story.
I am 13 weeks / 6 days pregnant with my first child.

I am not showing yet and still wearing most of my normal clothes. My jeans are slightly modified with the help of a rubber band. I just look like I have gained 5 pounds. Oh, I have!!!!

Let the journey begin.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I think Mia has started teething.
Either that or she has some weird urge to chomp on everything that comes near her mouth (mostly my fingers) and can no longer hold in saliva.

I don't know how I will know if she is truly teething.
I asked my Mom, I asked the one friend that I have that also has kids.
They both said - "You will know".

I asked my pediatrician.
She said that drooling was the first sign of teething but that it could take months for a tooth to finally appear.

I researched on line.
I found out that she could have been born with teeth (early bloomer) or it could take a year (late bloomer) for teeth to come in.

So, I guess that once Mia starts wailing or the drooling/chewing gets significantly worse - I will know. Either that or I will be super lucky and one day my beautiful baby girl will open her mouth and there a tooth will be. Dreaming....I know!