Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

I feel fat today.

Fat. Fat! Fat!!!

I guess I had better get use to this...I am sure this is nothing compared to what's to come.

I woke up this morning tired. I thought I had slept ok but I was still tired. It was pouring rain which made it very hard to motivate to get to work in time to attend my 9am meeting. Also knowing how lame everyone drives when it is raining made it even more difficult. I finally motivated to the bathroom and onto the scale. I wonder how much longer I can / will continue to do this?!?

The scale read 120.5. 120.5! 120.5!!!

I hope a pound or two of that is the 2 cheeseburger meal deal I had as my Valentine's Day dinner. Very romantic - I know! I am not complaining. It is not like I wanted to go out or eat anything else. It was perfect!
But, 120.5 is not.

After I showered I searched for my fat Lucky jeans. I ended up not wearing them because I figured I should hold out on these a little longer. (I will probably be wearing them next week.) My bra was an entirely different story. I moved up to the big girl one in the back on my drawer. At least my boobs are comfortable. Can't say the same for any other part of my body.

This is my story.
I am 13 weeks / 6 days pregnant with my first child.

I am not showing yet and still wearing most of my normal clothes. My jeans are slightly modified with the help of a rubber band. I just look like I have gained 5 pounds. Oh, I have!!!!

Let the journey begin.

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